atlantixadmin has written 113 articles

Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring 3 – What’s new

download PDF Applies to This document applies to the following software and versions: AtlantixEM Site Controller 3.x AtlantixEM Central Site 3.x Audience The intended audience of this document is all readers who need to acquire experience with Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring version 3.0 products family. At a glance AtlantixEM version 3 comes with a new amazing web…

Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring 3 – Documentation guide

download PDF Applies to This document applies to the following software and versions: AtlantixEM Site Controller 3.x AtlantixEM Central Site 3.x Audience The intended audience of this document is all readers who need to acquire experience with Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring version 3.0 products family. Introduction This document is a guide that helps the end user to…

Installing NRPE agent on Oracle Solaris 10 and 11

Install NRPE agent and nagios plugins (on Oracle Solaris 10 and 11) Internet connection is needed to grab packages from public repositories. If you use a proxy to get to the internet run the following command first from a terminal: export http_proxy=http://<your-proxy-IP-or-name>:<proxy-port> then pkgadd -d answer all and yes to the interactive questions, then…

Self-extracting shell script from a TAR archive for Linux PushAgent

Create under a convenient directory (such as /tmp) a C6.X-bundle direcrory then copy there all the needed RPMs and the atlantix-nrpe-installer shell script mkdir /tmp/bundle cp -pr /root/SKELETON/ /root/SKELETON/C6.7 /tmp/bundle/   Create a tar.gz archive with all the content: cd /tmp/ tar -zcvf C6.7-bundle.tar.gz bundle Under /tmp create the following create-self-bin script: #!/bin/bash BASEDIR=`dirname “${0}”`…

How to create local repo for push agent feature using repotrack

Use the following commands to get all the packages and their dependencies: yum install epel-release.noarch -y In Centos 6.X epel.repo files has an https url which is currently not working. Workaround the problem with this command: sed -i ‘s|mirrorlist=https://mirrors|mirrorlist=http://mirrors|g’ /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo If repotrack is not installed run: yum install yum-utils -y Note:  this is true if…