AtlantixEM – Installation guide

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Applies to

This document applies to the following software and versions:

  • AtlantixEM Site Controller 2.0.x
  • AtlantixEM Central Site 2.0.x


This section covers installation instructions for the stand-alone deployment. The installation process includes:

  • Download OVA files
  • Deploy OVA files
  • AtlantixEM core customization

You can use OVA files to start your deployment. OVA packages from AtlantixLAB contain all modules required to complete an AtlantixEM version 2.0 installation.

Required packages

To successfully deploy AtlantixEM Site Controller version 2.0 you need the following package:

  • atxsc_OVF_2.0.ova

Downloads are available at the official AtlantixLAB public repository

Network requirements

Before starting the installation process, make sure you have a valid static IP address. The IP address must be registered on the Company DNS servers.


The use of dynamic IP addresses is not supported by this deployment. If you are planning to use DHCP, you may have issues with network configuration that prevent the virtual appliance to successfully set its host name.

Use multiple network cards

Based on your deployment you may need to use two or more network adapters. AtlantixEX version 2.0, supports multiple network cards configuration. If you are planning to use multiple network cards, make sure you have one default gateway and one or more static routes to different network segments to handle.

For additional details about using multiple network cards, check the following KB “Adding multiple network cards to a Site Controlle/Central Site“.

Deploy vApp

This section cover steps required to complete an OVA deployment in your VMware environment. You need access to VMware vSphere Client or VMware Web Client. You may also need permissions on your VMware farm to successfully complete an OVA deployment.

The deployment process includes:

  • OVF files deployment
  • Virtual machine hardware reconfiguration
  • Reconfigure vApp

OVF files deployment

Start a Deploy from OVF template in you VMware environment to install Central Site and/or Site Controller vApps.

Virtual machine hardware reconfiguration

You can modify VMs hardware configuration to fit your requirements. You can increase the number of vCPU and/or memory size based your deployment. Once done power on you vApp to complete system reconfiguration.

Reconfigure vApp

After you boot up the vApp a Login screen appears on the VM console. Check the initial IP address and port from the Login screen to connect to the vApp configuration menu. You are requested to connect via Web Browser to complete network configuration:

  1. Open your web browser and type https://<IP from Login screen>:5480/. You are requested to enter username and password to access configuration menu. Type root as username and password as password. It is highly recommended to change default username and password via VM console.
  2. On the System tab click Time Zone button to change default timezone. Click Save Settings button to confirm changes.
  3. On the Network tab click Address button to change the network configuration and default hostname:
    1. On the IPv4 Address Type select Static
    2. Customize Hostname, Default Gateway and DNS servers based on your network specifications
    3. Click Save Settings to confirm all changes
      Note: If network configuration change, you will lose network connectivity once you save new settings. Please wait few seconds, close your web browser and restart the connection by specifying the new IP address
  4. Login back with your web browser
  5. On the System tab click Reboot to reinitialize the vApp with new settings.

The vApp configuration is now complete.

Set default site name and host alias

The last customization step is required to assign a correct Site Name to this vApp. You can also specify a useful vApp alias into NAGIOS/Thruk instead of the default “localhost” name. You need access via SSH or VMware virtual mchine console to complete this step.

Tune vApp via console

From the VM console access with username root and password password. It is reccommended to change the default username and password. Use passwd command to change default password.

From the console execute
# vi /usr/share/atlantix/

in rows 4 and 5 change both SITEGROUP_NAME and SITEGROUP_ALIAS according to your preferences.

From the console execute
# vi /etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg

in row 29 change HONST_NAME and ALIAS keyworks to your preferred host alias.

NOTE1: If you modify these setting make sure to search and replace any occurrences of the string localhost with the new name you are assigning to your Site Controller in the file localhost.cfg

Access AtlantixEM Site Controller

You are ready to access the Site Controller dashboard. Use the web browser to access on https://<vApp IP>/. You will be prompted for credential. Use default administrator as username and password as poassword to access.

Complete backend configuration

You need to complete backend configuration in order to allow NAGIOS core to send information to Thruk UI:

  1. Login AtlantixEM dashboard with an account that have Full permissions rights
  2. From the Dashboard menu click on Backend configuration
  3. In the Backend configuration type the following information:
    1. name: specify your preferred name here. This is just a placeholder
    2. type: livestatus
    3. connection: /tmp/live.sock
    4. Click Test button to verify connection
    5. Click Save changes if test is successfull

Backend configuration is now complete.

See also

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