Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring 3 – Product guide

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Applies to

This document applies to the following software and versions:

  • AtlantixEM Site Controller 3.x
  • AtlantixEM Central Site 3.x


The intended audience of this document is all readers who need to acquire experience with Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring version 3.0 products family.


Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring is the solution to control your core business services. AtlantixEM is based on NAGIOS core components, one of the most robust, multipurpose and scalable monitoring solution on the market. Thanks to the high customizable set of commands, it is the right choice to control heterogeneous environments. Different than other solutions on the market, Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring gives you a single user experience to control all layers in your infrastructure.

Depending on your needs, you can easily scale AtlantixEM deployment to better fit your needs. Atlantix support both horizontal and vertical scaling. Your data center is growing? Add a new Atlantix node to spread the load. You just acquired a new data center? Add a new Atlantix node to remote control your new infrastructure.

Do you want to offer remote monitoring services to your customers? AtlantixEM provides features to allow remote control of different data centers/networks in a single user interface.

To learn all what you can do with Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring check sections below for a complete understanding of key features.

Do you need more? Contact our certified Partners or AtlantixEM support team to discover all about Atlantix Enterprise Monitoring or to ask for customized solutions.

Key features

AtlantixEM is a multi-client and multi-backend monitoring solution. You can benefit all the advantages of NAGIOS features and THRUK multi-backend interface in a single solution ready to use. You do no need to know about complex configuration files. AtlantixEM WebUI simplifies management of all configurations with an intuitive and easy to use user interface. Simply add a new node and assign a default profile to start monitoring a remote endpoint.

Stop dealing with Flash and Java web interfaces. Forget about browser rendering conflicts. Just use your preferred web browser to access all the features you need.

Stay up to date. If you have a subscription or you get AtlantixEM from our Partners, you can access all updates and upgrades for free. The Download feature allow you to get all you need to stay up to date from atlantixlab repository without the need to manually check and install for upgrades.

atlantixlab releases new commands and services on a daily bases. Support for new clients, endpoints or devices can be requested and downloaded in your deployment with the Download feature.

Users, roles and permissions management have never been so simple. AtlantixEM hide the complexity of users and roles management of NAGIOS with a simple and intuitive user management model.

Collect your server performance for troubleshooting and or forecasting your infrastructure. AtlantixEM includes GANGLIA module to help you draw performance and behavior of monitored servers.

AtlantixEM supports monitoring of all devices in your infrastructure. You can control heterogeneous endpoints at the same time. AtlantixEM supports endpoints based on Linux, Oracle Solaris, Microsoft Windows, NetApp Ontapp, VMware ESX/ESXi, EMC Clariion and Symmetrix devices and all other devices that support SNMP protocol. If your devices have an IP address then AtlantixEM can monitor them. You cannot find what you need here? Ask our Partners or contact AtlantixLAB team to request specialized monitoring add-on for your deployment.

In a very complex deployment or in a multi datacenters/multi customer scenario, you can take advantages of PANORAMA view feature from THRUK to draw your WAN network with an active geomap. Geomaps can contain aggregate status of all services in your sites/locations and display colored indicators to give you a quick look of what is going on.

“Need more?” Check next sections to “get more”.

Multiplatform support

AtlantixEM is the most versatile and customizable monitoring solution on the market. You do not need complex infrastructure to play AtlantixEM.

AtlantixEM is ready to run on different platform to better fit your needs. It currently supports deployment via VMware vApp (OVA), rack mount or desktop server, embedded x86 boards.

All features of AtlantixEM are available regardless of deployment type you choose.

Solution components

AtlantixEM has two main components: Atlantix Site Controller and Atlantix Central Site.

Central Site

AtlantixEM Central Site is the collector for a multi backend deployment. The role of a Central Site is to collect and aggregate one or more Site Controller in a single point of view.

You can access data collected from all of your Site Controller in a single user interface. You can draw one or more graphical dashboards to offer different views of your infrastructure with PANORAMA plug-in regardless of where Site Controllers are in the world.

If you are using AtlantixEM to offer remote monitoring in a multi-customer scenario, your helpdesk can control the status of all monitored systems from all your customers in a single dashboard.

Site Controller

AtlantixEM Site Controller is the monitoring engine. The role of a Site Controller is to collect data from monitored systems. As it is based on NAGIOS core, you can have different ways to collect data from your monitored systems.

A Site Controller supports the following collection methods: via NAGIOS client if your system supports it, via remote SSH, via SNMP and via 3rd party SDK plugins.

A Site Controller offers the same graphical features available on a Central Site. You can draw interactive maps of your environment, group services with status indicators and implement help-desk dashboards.

Site Controller includes GANGLIA module to allow you draw performance graphs of all your monitored systems. You can easily access graphs to control loads, check for issues, help your staff for troubleshooting or forecasting your infrastructure.

Thanks to the AtlantixEM WebUI you can easily handle NAGIOS configuration via a simple, faster and intuitive user interface. You do not need to know about complexity of under layers components. Just add your host, assign one or more checks via hostgroup and start collecting data.

If you need to control a new device, simply check for a command or service that fits your needs in the commands repository from atlantixlab. You cannot find anything useful? Ask to our support team custom commands for your new device. Once ready, you can easily import everything in your Site Controller with the Download feature and start using them.

Do you have DMZ network segments? You can deploy a Site Controller inside the restricted network to control all nodes. A Site Controller supports multiple network configurations with one or more network cards in different network segments to better fit your needs.

Site Controller comes in different ways. It can be installed as Virtual Applicance in your VMWare infrastructure or as physical rack mount or desktop server and as x86 based all-in-one board.

Atlantix WebUI


AtlantixEM Web user interface is a simplified central management point for all features of both Site Controller and Central Site components. The Web UI simplifies access to different features of AtlantixEM components. It also centralizes management of users and roles in NAGIOS, THRUK and GANGLIA by using a new simplified roles model.

Status bar

The WebUI lets you jump into different features never leaving the same web browser window. The status bar has flags to allow administrators checks for configuration consistency or to monitor if some changes have been queued for deployment. If one or more errors are detected, administrators will be notified by one or more flags in the status bar.

Core logs

Core Log feature allow you to access all systems log files from the WebUI without any need to make further checks via SSH. Core Logs also process NAGIOS configuration changes errors and notify system administrators via one or more flags in the status bar.

Download feature

The Download feature allows a Site Controller to stay up-to-date with latest commands and services definition from atlantixlab public repositories. You can check and download commands and services by looking from hundreds of definitions ready to use. Download what you need, change parameters specific for your environment and assign services to one or more hosts/hostgroups. That’s all !!

Object explorer

The Object explorer user interface is a powerful feature to handle hostgroups, hosts, commands and services in your Site Controller. This feature simplifies the management of NAGIOS configuration files by letting system administrators to assign/remove checks with just one click.  You can organize groups of one or more hosts with default profiles and default checks based on the target operating systems or you can define your own structure to better fit your needs.

You can easily move an object from one location to another or change systems classifications. AltantixEM automatically remove services and commands no longer needed and assign the new defaults to the object.

AtlantixEM extends the classic NAGIOS tags to provide more flexible way to organize and keep track of objects inside your Site Controller. New tags are available to keep track of commands versioning and/or insert extended description to all objects in your deployment.

All commands downloaded from atlantixlab public repositories in your Site Controller have links to atlantixlab knowledge base repository. Before you download a command, you can check the online help with Help link in the command properties from AtlantixEM WebUI. If you already have a command in your Site Controller, you can still access online help by looking at the Help button in the command properties window.

Multi backend

AtlantixEM can connect multiple Site Controllers together. In this configuration, each Site Controller is named backend. A Central Site can be used as collector for your multiple Site Controller deployment. Communication between Site Controller and each Central Site is secured via HTTPS plus a random secret key. This allows to exchange data in a secured way over your LAN or WAN.

In a multi-customer scenario you can easily connect customer’s Site Controllers to your Central Site deployment without the need of complex network infrastructure. Just let Site Controller to accept HTTPS connections from internet and nothing else. To protect Site Controller from WAN, you can use any of the following solutions: Firewall NATTING, Linux reverse proxy (aka SQUID), Windows reverse proxy (aka IIS-ARR).

There is no limit to the number of concurrent Site Controller connections. To help objects navigation, you can activate or deactivate one or more backend to filter out unneeded monitored systems.

Supported systems and clients

AtlantixEM currently support all major versions/releases of the following target systems:

32bit 64bit NAGIOS client remote SSH SNMP 3rd party SDK
Ubuntu Y Y Y Y
CentOS Y Y Y Y Y
RedHat Y Y Y Y Y
Microsoft Windows                        
Windows XP Y Y Y
Windows 2003 Y Y Y
Windows 7 Y Y Y
Windows 2008 Y Y Y
Windows 8 Y Y Y
Windows 2012 Y Y Y
Oracle Solaris                        
8 Y Y
9 Y Y
10 Y Y
NetApp Ontapp                        
7.x clustered Y
7.x stand alone Y
8.x clustered Y
8.x stand alone Y
Symmetrix Y
Clariion Y

See also

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