Add a Site Controller to your Central Site

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Applies to

This document applies to the following software and versions:

  • AtlantixEM Central Site 1.0
  • AtlantixEM Central Site 1.0 – patch 2
  • AtlantixEM Central Site 2.0.x


This section explain the process to add a local or remote Site Controller to your Central Site. The process of adding a Site Crontroller is also known as add backend operation.

Add a new backed (Site Controller)

To add a new backed follow steps below:

  1. Login to AtlantixEM dashboard with an account that have Power user or Full permissions rights
  2. In the Dashboard menu panel click Backend configuration
  3. In the Thruk Backend Manager click add new connection
  4. Specify the following values:
    1. Name: the name of the remote Site Controller
    2. Type: select HTTP
    3. Connection: https://<IP OF SITE-CONTROLLER>/
    4. Auth key: past the secret key of the remote Site Controller (available under /var/lib/thruk/secret.key)
    5. Click Test button
    6. Click Save Changes if test was successfull

To faster the new backend discovery you can restart AtlantixEM subcomponents via vApp console. Restart services in the following order:

# service thruk stop
# service httpd restart
# service thruk restart

Configuration is now complete.

atlantixadmin has written 113 articles

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