Configure send mail

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Applies to

This document applies to the following software and versions:

  • AtlantixEM Site Controller 2.0.x
  • AtlantixEM Central Site 2.0.x


This section contains instruction to configure the send mail component (POSTFIX). This will allow AtlantixEM and sub components to successfully send notifications.

This version of AtlantixEM supports only MTA without authentication. If you do not have an open MTA or you MTA supports only TSL/SASL authentication, please contact AtlantixEM support team for further assistance.

Configure send mail component

To configure send mail, perform the following tasks:

  1. Login AtlantixEM dashboard with an account that have Power user or Full permissions rights
  2. In the System configuration click Notification Settings button
  3. In the SMTP server field specify  your internal MTA
  4. In the From field specify the email address that will be used to send out notification
  5. Click Save button to committ changes

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