Download commands

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Applies to

This document applies to the following software and versions:

  • AtlantixEM Site Controller 2.0.x


This section explain the process to download new commands and services from AtlantixLAB public repositories. AtlantixLAB support team release definitions once new feature are available. Public repositories are available and usable by everyone on internet. If you have a subscription with AtlantixLAB you can request custom commands and or services based on your needs.

The download process

To successfully download new definitions, your Site Controller must be configured and enabled to access AtlantixLAB public repositories over Internet. You can use Download manager from System Configuration to download new definitions. The Download manager display only commands and services available on the public repositories not yet installed in your local repositoy.

Once you download one or more commands/services, the local catalog of your Site Controller is updated with the copy from public repositories.

This version of AtlantixEM does not support versioning of commands and services. If you already downloaded a command and/or a service and a new version is available on the public repositories, you will never get access to updated ones until you remove the command/service from your local repository. This is a limitation of the AtlantixEM 2.0 core.

Commands and services downloaded from public repositories, can be customized by the Site Administrator via Manage Object feature on the System Configuration panel. Check “Manage services and commands” article to understand how to administer your local repository.

Download feature

To download new commands and or services from AtlantixLAB public repositories perform the following tasks:

  1. Login to AtlantixEM dashboard with an account that have Power user or Full permissions rights
  2. In the System configuration click Download commands
  3. The Download wizard will show you Commands repository and Service repository in different views
  4. You can select objects to import into your local repository
  5. Click Import button to start download

Downloaded objects are now available in the local repository. You can access and manage them via Manage Object feature.

Commands and Services dependencies

Services depends on commands. The Download Wizard recognize services and commands dependencies and allow you to download objects with the right dependencies to avoid NAGIOS misconfiguration.

When you select a command for downloading, all services that use this command are also selected for downloading. If you do not needs services, you can safely remove them from download without causing issues.

When you select a service without selecting the command first, the system ask you a further confirmation. This is a default behaviour to make sure you doing import in the right way. If you import a service and you do not have a valid command already configured in your local repository, the Download process may fails or may causes NAGIOS configuration errors.

You can safely download a service from the AtlantixLAB public repositories without downloading its default command if you already have the command in your local repository.

Rollback feature

AtlantixEM, implements the auto-rollback for Download commands features. The auto-rollback prevents damages to your Site Controller configuration files in case of issues are detected in the download process.

If the system detects one or more configuration issues you will be notified with an alert popup on the navigation bar on the top of the screen.

To further investigate the root cause of issues you can check the AtlantixEM core log files with Check core logs features on the System Configuration panel.

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